Please note -We are open every weekend in February and for February Half Term- 10am-3pm​​​
Only £2.40 per person
Cedars Nature Centre
Created as a place where anyone from any background or ability can learn about the natural world.
Cedars Nature Centre is a multi award winning not for profit fully licensed zoo set in the grounds of Cedars Park and oporated by Let's Talk Animals C.I.C
A small zoo with a big heart!
Familiar favourites such as meerkats and owls are just some of the animals found here alongside the strange more unusual creatures such as zorillas and tenrecs, there is lots to discover.
Cedars Nature Centre is also home to our affordable and fun animal experiences such as Meet the Meerkats, VIP Tours and Junior Keeper Experience!
So if you are looking for the perfect gift for that animal lover in your life don't forget to check out our Animal Experiences Shop.​​​​​​
February Half Term!​
Whose Poo at The Zoo Trail!
15th-23rd February​​​
💩 During Half Term every child receives a Whose Poo at The Zoo trail on entry! 💩
Yes we know... BUT kids love chatting about poo and it was our most popular trail in the Summer!
See if you can match all of the poops to their owners and bring it back for a prize! (The trail sheet... not the poop...)
No prebooking required.
19th February - Reptile Crafts!
Join us in our outdoor classroom for some crafty fun!
Create a snake and tortoise craft for just £1 per child.
Our Daily Animal Talks
. We run daily talks every 45mins.
Find out more below.
10:45: Meerkat Talk
11:30: Fish Feed and talk
12:15 : Mystery Animal Meet and Greet
1pm: Skunk Meet and Greet
1:45pm: Rats Meet and Greet
2.30: Kookaburra Talk